5 Best Solar Roofing Shingles (2024 Update)
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5 Best Solar Roofing Shingles (2024 Update)

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Posted By: Roof Troopers

solar roof shingles installed by professional roofers

Have you ever wanted the decrease in energy costs that come with solar panels without having to actually put bulky solar panels on your roof?

For all the gains of solar panels without some of their obvious downsides, you can install solar shingles on your new or existing roof. These shingles are built to blend in with the shingles and tiles on your roof while still collecting solar energy to use for your home. Plus, solar roofing shingles protect your home just as well as wood, clay, and asphalt shingles do.

They can be made of either of two materials:

  • Copper indium gallium selenide (CIGS)
  • Silicon solar cells (similar to solar panels)

If you’re looking for information about the most popular solar shingles out there, here’s our breakdown of the best solar shingles on the market today.

solar shingles on the house roof for energy efficiency

1. GAF Timberline Solar Shingles

With all the benefits of GAF warranties and a company with over a century in the business, GAF Timberline solar shingles make for an excellent choice for any home. GAF Energy provides the same wind and rain warranties that they do for their traditional Timberline shingles, and the product has been recognized many times over by Fast Company, Good Housekeeping, and more.

Any GAF-certified contractor is qualified to install these roofing shingles since they’re nailed into place just like traditional asphalt shingles. Plus, they price similarly to traditional rooftop solar panels!

Actual customer review: “The solar roof economics are nice, but it’s also just a good thing to do. Timberline Solar™ looks like a roof, versus having big things mounted on top of the roof. And, to have good, local people installing it just seems to make sense.” –Frank K.

2. Tesla Solar Roof

If you’ve kept up with Tesla’s track record with energy efficiency, you won’t be surprised that they also offer solar shingle installation. These solar tiles, made of both glass and steel, collect energy from the sun while providing you with best-in-the-business fire, wind, and hail protection. Plus, they keep a low profile, meaning that you could potentially install these solar shingles across your entire roof.

With Tesla, you’ll get superior service in addition to a superior product. Tesla Solar Roof comes with a 25-year warranty and round-the-clock power outage coverage. Integration with the Tesla app allows you to track the energy production of your solar tiles and see the current state of your Powerwall energy storage system.

Actual customer review: “They are not only the best solar panel/battery company but an excellent roofing company. We are off the grid and have a great new roof. Please go with Tesla. We are now selling power back to the grid.” –Roderick (Newport Beach, CA)

3. CertainTeed Solar Shingles

With their belief that solar energy should be an integrated extension of the roof, CertainTeed’s Solstice Shingle system provides a high-powered solar energy collection without having to add bulky solar panels to the top of your home. They’re built to blend in with virtually any existing asphalt shingle system, and they’re some of the best-performing solar shingles on the market today. CertainTeed also provides warranties on both materials and installation to give you total peace of mind.

4. SunTegra Solar Roof Shingles

high class solar roof shingles on house roof

So far, the companies on this list started out by offering traditional roofing materials to their consumers. Only recently have they started to foray into the world of solar products.

The opposite is true of SunTegra. A company founded on the development of various kinds of solar solutions for individual consumers and businesses, they have definite know-how in the world of energy efficiency that they’ve applied to the creation of high-class solar roof shingles. These roof shingles are built to perform in all four seasons and require half the installation time of traditional solar panels.

Actual customer review: “We are thrilled with the quality, the beauty, and the effect our SunTegra system is having on us and our community. Besides the obvious financial give back, it feels great to help protect the environment.” –Dave and Chris Sampson

5. Luma Solar

If you want to work with a company that’s been in the business of solar shingles since the business first began, look no further than Luma Solar. This luxury solar roofing company offers a limited lifetime warranty on their solar roofs made with monocrystalline solar shingles.

They prioritize beautiful design, high efficiency, and integration with all roofing materials. Their solar shingles are upgradeable and compatible with a variety of battery solutions for your home.

Bonus: Forward Solar Roofing

If you’re looking for a solar roofing solution that mimics the look of metal panels instead of asphalt shingles, Forward Solar Roofing could be the brand for you. Their total roofing solution rivals that of Tesla at a fraction of the cost.

The company will install the solar cells on the sides of your roof that receive the most sunlight, and on the non-optimal sides of your roof, they’ll put traditional metal panels. All sides of the roof will blend together to look like a standing seam metal roof.

Choose Your Dream Solar Roofing Shingles

solar panels racking installed on the house roof

With more and more solar tax incentives being offered by local and national governments every year, there’s never been a better time to invest in solar energy for your home. Solar tiles offer a more attractive alternative to traditional solar panels, and they’re built to integrate seamlessly with the conventional building materials already present on your roof.

When you find yourself in need of a full roof replacement or shingle roof repairs, give Roof Troopers a call. From our initial contact all the way through solidifying the project, we’ll work with you to give you honest information, a fair estimate, and quality service.

Sound like the roofing team for you? Let’s connect and schedule an appointment!


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