6 Types Of Roof Damage Homeowners Should Know About
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6 Types of Roof Damage Homeowners Should Know About

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Posted By: Roof Troopers

roof damage loose and missing shingles with large hole in roof requiring a replacement

You can expect your home to stay protected from physical forces and the outside elements when the roofing system is fully functioning and completely free from damage. Alternatively, if the proper repairs and regular maintenance aren’t put at the forefront of your home improvement project list, you’ll likely run into even more extensive (and expensive) home repairs in the end. Types of roof damage include:

  • Structural damage
  • Failing shingles
  • Water damage
  • Moss and algae
  • Ice dams
  • Old age

Staying on top of annual upkeep to protect your home each season and ensuring that you’re educated on signs of roofing damage is an excellent way to avoid any worse issues down the line. Let’s explore how your roof can become damaged over time, after weathering, or during storms — and what to do about it.

How Does Roof Damage Happen?

As a homeowner, you have a responsibility to understand how the various aspects of your home function. You don’t want to find yourself stuck with substantial roofing damage after a heavy storm and not know how to deal with the situation at hand correctly. Understanding how your home can be affected by outside factors is the best way to be prepared when damage occurs. Several physical and natural forces can impact your home’s roof and cause different kinds of damage, such as:

  • Snow
  • Ice
  • Rain
  • Hail
  • Sleet
  • Wind
  • Sun exposure
  • Falling debris
  • Physical contact
  • Weathering
  • Poor workmanship
  • Age or time

All of the factors listed above can impact your roof at any time over the years, so it’s imperative to stay vigilant after heavy storms and severe weathering events. Harsh weather conditions can cause damage to many different areas of a home, so double check your roof, attic, gutters, and vents for any issues that may indicate your roof needs an immediate fix.

An in-depth visual assessment or a consultation with a professional roof restoration team can help quickly and easily uncover issues. Then, you can take the next necessary steps to contact your homeowner’s insurance company to make a claim, receive financial coverage, and complete the proper roof repairs right away.

6 Different Types of Roof Damage (And How to Deal With Them)

Whether you just purchased your first house or you’re an experienced property owner, it’s important to understand the ins and outs of your home systems, so you can make the necessary repairs when damage occurs.

Knowing how your roof might become damaged during the year and how to deal with these problems properly should be a top priority for homeowners. Let’s dive into some of the most common kinds of roof damage residential homeowners run into throughout the year here:

1. Structural Damage

roof damage fallen tree on home causes severe structural damage

When it comes to roofing damage, your mind likely jumps straight to structural damage since gaping holes with beams of sunlight streaming through are common in movies, TV, or even in that old abandoned house down the street.

So, how does structural damage such as gaps, cracks, and gouges happen? Heavy winds, rainstorms, and the blowing debris that comes with these kinds of severe weather conditions can all create holes, cracks, and other structural issues in your roof. Problems with your roof’s structural integrity put the rest of your home’s interior and exterior at risk, so it’s best to address these glaring issues immediately with help from a team of roofing experts.

2. Failing Shingles

roof damage missing asphalt shingles on slanted roof

As mentioned above, visible, physical damage to your roof’s structure can happen in several scenarios, including the shingles. When harsh weather and other forces impact your roof structure, the shingles themselves are also susceptible to damage. Examples of some of the most common signs of shingle damage include:

  • Cracking
  • Buckling
  • Curling
  • Sinking
  • Lifting
  • Loose granules
  • Missing shingles

You can easily spot broken and failing shingles from the front or backyard of your property since curled and cracked shingles are visible to the bare eye. Just stand in your yard, take a step back, and look upwards in order to find out if your shingles need fixing.

Still, do you want to be sure that shingle damage is the primary concern when it comes to your roof? There’s a reliable method to make sure your shingles are working properly – or not. Take a peek inside your gutter system and check for black, sand-like shingle granules. If your gutter system seems to be clogged with this black material, that might be a solid sign that your shingles are ready to be replaced.

When asphalt shingle granules get stuck in your gutter system, melting snow and rain can’t move away from the roof’s surface. Ice dams may form when water stays stagnant, and other issues could also arise. Prioritize annual gutter cleaning as well spot maintenance after particularly heavy storms.

3. Water Damage

roof damage roofing contractor inspecting stains and fixing interior water damage

Water damage is one of the worst types of roof damage residential homeowners often have to deal with over the years. When your roof’s structural integrity and shingles are tested, things like cracks and gouges can lead to leaks and excess water infiltration.

Roof leaks will affect items in your attic, and other personal effects within your home’s interior are at risk of being ruined by the flowing rainwater or melted snow. Water damage can also proliferate greater levels of mold growth inside your house, putting the health and safety of every occupant at risk for further complications.

After storms and other significant weather events, inspect your attic space from the inside for signs of structural damage, roof leaks, and other problems that can put your home in danger of incurring water damage. Look for signs of roof leaks that include:

  • Stains on the ceiling
  • Mold growth
  • Musty smells
  • Dripping water
  • Stains on the walls

4. Moss and Algae

roof damage algae growth on asphalt shingles close up

Algae, moss, fungi, lichen, and other unsightly bacterial growth on your roof can be another sign that you’re in dire need of repairs. Consult with your chosen roofing company to discern the gravity of your moss or algae situation and start making a game plan to get rid of the growth before the impacts on your home’s roof are too heavy.

If the growth is too extensive, it might even call for a whole roof replacement since your shingles and other roofing materials may not be able to be salvaged by simple repairs.

5. Ice Dams

roof damage ice dams in gutter

Another indicator that your roof is damaged is the formation of ice dams. Ice dams are large conglomerates of ice, snow, and icicles that form along the edge of your roof after snow melts and re-freezes. If the underlying issues causing your ice dams aren’t dealt with quickly, the icy formations can cause further structural and safety problems on your property.

Your roof might experience ice dams due to inadequate roof and attic ventilation, insulation issues, or clogged gutters. Give each of these spaces of your home a good assessment in order to pinpoint any problem areas and make repairs as needed. If ice dams persist after you make minor repairs, consult with an expert roofing company who can provide professional ice dam steaming services and make the proper repairs to your roof.

6. Old Age

roof damage old tile roof vs new roof replacement
Comparison roof top before and after cleaning moss lichen high pressure water cleaner tile

Of course, your roof can also always become damaged simply due to time and age. Even the most well-constructed roof systems have a finite lifespan and will fail after a certain number of years.

Most of today’s modern, industry-leading metal, tile, and asphalt roofing materials are made to last at least 25 years or more. Still, older homes may have roofing damage occur after years of exposure and weathering, so consult with a professional to see if you need a roofing replacement.

Repairs vs. a Roofing Replacement

The roof is typically your home’s first line of defense against outside elements, so you don’t want to let damage worsen without taking any action to fix the situation. Some kinds of minor damage can be remedied with simple DIY roof repairs, while other more troublesome problems will prove too expansive or challenging to tackle yourself.

When you don’t feel comfortable finishing DIY roof repairs, or you’re uncertain if repairs can even be made at all, you have someone else to call. Work with an experienced roofing company in your area to determine whether repairs are a lost cause and a roof replacement is required for your home instead.

Dealing With Roof Damage the Right Way

Although some homeowners are confident in their own handiness and skills to try DIY roof repairs, this isn’t the right route for everyone. Ultimately, the best way to ensure your roofing damage is dealt with properly is by consulting with a professional roofing company or a trusted local contractor like Roof Troopers. This way, you can guarantee every inch of your roof is assessed with an industry-trained eye, and all necessary repairs are tackled with the proper tools, safety gear, and professional knowledge.

Fix Damage Fast With Help From the Pros

If you’ve determined that the damage to your home’s roof is too far gone to give DIY repairs a try, talk to the professionals at Roof Troopers. We can assess the damage to your roof and recommend a course of action that will have your home back functioning at full capacity in no time.

Get the best rates from a reliable team of roofing contractors you can trust to do the job right. Contact Roof Troopers today to receive your free quote for roofing repairs or a replacement.


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A joyful couple stands on a porch with their baby. The woman holds the baby, smiling widely, while the man beside her beams happily, placing a hand on her shoulder. The background shows a house with windows and a partial view of greenery.